January 01, 2014
2014 New Year's Resolutions
This post was last updated December 31, 2014
Updated Comments are in [ Red ] or [ Green ]
It's New Year's Resolution time! To be totally honest… I’ve always thought of NYR’s as being wack and a total waste of time because I never can follow through with them and I hate disappointing/letting myself down with promises I couldn’t keep. I can’t remember the last time I’ve made any NYR’s for myself personally or for my business. This year I wanted to do something different – I want to make a change. I want to hold myself accountable for something. At the end of the year I want to be able to look back and reflect on all of the challenges, opportunities, or accomplishments I made throughout the year. I want to be able to say, “I tried” or “I did it!” I don’t want to drown myself in sorrows or “what if’s” this year. I plan to follow through with my NYR’s (goals) this year … because majority of them I dream about all of the time and sometimes lose sleep. Last year January 2013 I walked away from 9-5p job to enjoy my personal life with my family and to elevate my business to the next level. However, I feel as though I didn’t give a full 100% to either one of those goals and I did not push myself as much as I should have. Honestly speaking, I am afraid to face some of my goals but I feel as though – it’s time – to face those fears and stop taking life so serious and enjoy myself a little more. So here it goes …
My NYR (Personal Goals) List:
✗1. GET MARRIED! This is definitely #1 on my list – April 22nd will be myself and Lamont’s 9th year together and we’ve been engaged for six years. Every time we get close to actually getting married a fear arises inside of me and I switch the date. Everyone that knows me (personally) teases us and doesn’t take me seriously anymore when I give them dates (and who can blame them), heck Lamont doesn’t even believe me anymore. I brought this upon myself – I’m foreal this time ya’ll I’m getting married! No comment!
✓2. Spend More Time w/Family – Individual time … I spend more than enough time with both of my babies (my fiancé and my daughter), but I want to be able to give the both of them more individual one on one time.
✗3. Take A Family Photo – Why don’t I have ANY family photos of all three of us? It’s 2014 there’s no reason for us not to have one : /
✓4. Make an Effort to Pick up my Phone and spend more time with (girl) friends.
✗5. Play Without Hesitation – I’m a neat freak and I cannot stand for things to be out of place, I want to be able to allow my house to get “messy” (not dirty) without screaming/yelling at the top of my lungs at my family about all the work I put into keeping it clean. It takes the fun out of everything when my family is having fun and I’m putting things back up neatly as they play – not cool – I don’t want to be “that girl” anymore. The struggle is real...lol
✗6. Church – Make an effort to go to church more frequently and TIMELY. I started off really good earlier in the year with attending church service regularly and paying my tithes... and fell off miserably toward the middle and end. I'm still a work in progress - "God is not through with me yet..."
✗7. Pay Tithes
✓✗8. Travel - I want to face my fear of airplanes, I think the last time I rode one I was only two years old. So, of course I don’t remember… there are so many places I want to go, but my fear of riding a plane has been stopping me. Also, just for “fun” I want to take my daughter on a train and bus ride she is so fascinated with the both of them : ) I did travel a little more this year (by car), I still did not get the opportunity to fly on a plane - let's just blame this on the "Ebola" scare ッ
✗9. Pay off my Student Loans – I owe 30k+ on student loans, I’m giving MYSELF THE SIDE-EYE with this one… I can’t even put into words how in the heck I could even get close to paying this off this year, but a girl can dream right? Let's just say... I'm still dreaming to get rid of this debt.
✓10. Read More
✓11. Make Schedules (and stick to them!)
✓12. Cook More and Eat Out Less – At least 2-3 times a week (yikes!)
✗13. Eat & Drink Healthier
✗14. Slow Down on Cursing/Usage of Negative Words - I know I probably won’t stop cold turkey, but I think I can work on better choosing my words : )
✓15. Volunteer More
✗16. Get A Privacy Fence – I’m tired of neighbors running across my yard or peeping out their windows at me and my family – we need our privacy! I want to be able to enjoy my backyard without the crowd.
✗17. Plant Flowers – I want a pretty yard to match my new Fence : )
✓18. Go to a Concert - I would love to see Tyrese perform live, but any concert would suffice! I went to the ultimate concert for any 80's Baby - Keith Sweat, Jagged Edge, and Dru Hill! OMG I will never forget that night... it felt so good reminiscing and singing each song with all of the artists! I'm still looking for you - Tyrese Gibson!!!
✓19. Go to the Beach - My family and I went to Marcos Island Beach, our Hotel was right on the beach - the view was absolutely amazing! The beach was gorgeous as well... we may have to do a repeat of this mini getaway really soon! I also traveled with a close friend and her family as well to the beach this year... I forgot the name of the beach, but it was in St. Pete.
✓20. Go on a REAL Family Vacation
✓21. Romantic Getaway
✓22. Go to a Festival - I went to the Essence Festival in New Orleans, it was absolutely amazing! I could write up an entire blog post about my experience at this Festival. It was more than I expected... I really enjoyed myself and would love to attend the Festival again this upcoming year (still debating...)
✗23. Go to a Fashion Show
✓24. Go to a Kid’s Concert/Show - I went to see "Frozen On Ice" with my daughter ... it was such a magical experience. It's crazy how even as an adult Disney can make you feel dreamy and a believer of magic and happy endings! I enjoyed this time with my little one ... I can still hear her voice - singing and laughing : )
✗25. Watch LESS “Reality” TV - It's so addicting...ugh!
✗26. Get ALL FOUR Wisdom Teeth Pulled – I’ve been walking around with sore/achy gums ALL YEAR … I am sooooooo terrified about going to the Dentist and getting these teeth extracted. These teeth are causing a big ruckus in my mouth right now because they are so large! As they’re growing in they’re pushing all of my other teeth closer and closer together … and blah blah blah! They really need to be pulled out at this point… #JesusTakeTheWheel
✗27. Go Ice Skating
✓28. More Play Dates
✓29. Try EYELASHES and BLUSH – LOL! I know this one is kind of silly, but just blame my curiosity on Instagram.
✗ 30. Conquer a Fear
✓31. Cross ANYTHING off of my “Bucket List” - I had the opportunity to attend the "Oprah Life's You Want Tour" in Miami...OMG is all I can say - I didn't get to "meet" Oprah in person, but seeing her from afar was good enough for me! This experience was so life altering and eye opening ...I really enjoyed sharing this special moment with my fiance. We both have dreams and aspirations and this tour gave us the re-charge we needed to get focused and back to dreaming again and working towards building and living the life we both want!
My NYR (Business Goals) List:
✓1. Complete My Website – I haven’t had an “official” website in over TWO YEARS! I’m not sure why I took down my website in the first place? I want to be able to direct my current/potential clients to an updated fully functional website VS. A blog. #POW I completed this goal 1/14/2014, what a great way to start of the new year! I'll be adding and removing a few things for this upcoming year on the website, but the overall layout will remain the same (just a few tweaks here and there).
✓2. Expand Eccentric Designs Product Base – I want to be MORE than “Just” a Graphic Designer. In addition to my custom stationery/graphic designs I also offer custom made Nail Decals, Handbags, Tutu Kits! The Nail Decals have been a HUGE hit this year!
✗3. Create PRE-MADE Ready To Ship Party Packages or Small DIY Kits – This has always been a dream of mine and I plan to work diligently to get these into my shop! Still a working progress...
✓4. More Instant Downloads – Bare with me on this one … I’m new to editable files, but once I figure it all out I plan to offer them to you and of course this will mean tremendous price drops for you : ) I finally have up close to 100 Instant Downloads available between my two Etsy Shops (Eccentric Designs and Luxe Paper) - HOWEVER - with the new European Union Rules that recently rolled out January 1st, I may disable Instant Downloads for the time being (especially for my International consumers). I hate to do this, but my company is small and it really would be an hassle for a company of my size to try and stay compliant with EU VAT Rules/Regulations.
✗5. Get Eccentric Designs Products Into Local Boutiques – I want to offer some of my products locally in small boutiques, I’m not sure how to go about doing this but I’ll figure it out : / I sort of allowed this idea to slip under the radar this year, at bare minimum I would like to research ways to appeal to local boutiques and eventually sell my items locally.
✓6. Mobile Parties – It seems only natural for me to expand and start providing services in this area (heck I already do – kind of) … I plan to beef up my marketing for this service area – I’m sort of excited about it : )
✓7. Step Into the Wedding World – I’ve actually shared this idea with quite a few people, I would love to get more involved with the wedding world and create more stationery designs that make life easier for the – DIY Bride.
✓8. Patronize Local Businesses – Eat and Shop locally (plain and simple).
✗9. Meet and Greet – I want to meet at least TWO of my “FB” “professional” bestie/friends.
✗10. Attend (More) Social Networking Events – Locally/Long-Distance.
✓11. Update Social Networks Regularly – I have my months where I’m doing great and other’s not so great… I get so bored and distracted with constantly trying to update 6+ networks, but I pinky swear* I will do better this year! I believe I did an awesome job this year with updating my social networks across the board. However, this put my blog on the back-burner... I've connected with a few gal pals to help me along the way with updating my blog. I'm hopeful this upcoming year I'm able to equally distribute time and energy into my social networks and my blog.
✓12. More Coupons and/or Giveaways for Loyal Fans & Followers.
✗13. Vlog – I want to start vlogging on YouTube this year … I’m so nervous and afraid that my little country (southern) voice will run you away from my YouTube channel, but I’m ready to at least give it a “try”. This is one fear I need to conquer... YT frightens me! I'm an avid YT viewer always looking on there for ideas or tips for different things. The thought of having ANYONE watching my channel gives me butterflies! I feel as though I am confident in everything I do and I'm very knowledgeable in several areas I want to share with YT'bers, however when I upload my first video to YT I am vulnerable and have no control of the "Trolls" or people who make negative comments towards me. I take everything people say (or think) about me personal. I suppose that's what makes me ... "me"... I wear my heart on my sleeves : /
With this fear dwelling inside of me, I was so afraid to upload any videos and I came up with so many excuses on why I couldn't... "I don't have the right equipment", "I don't have a nice area in my home to video", "What if my voice sounds annoying", "What if I speak too low"... now looking back, my excuses were so lame LOL. I've seen YT'bers create videos with Web Cams and Phone Cameras from their own bed and I still watched the entire video, because that individual was being real and authentic and sharing something with me that I needed to know/wanted to learn at that specific time. So, I'm going to try and take a stab at this again for the upcoming year!
✗14. Share – Share my God given talent with you! I want to do more tutorials & crafts and share more behind the scene adventures with you. I'm so mad at myself for this, but this is something from the bottom of my heart I really want to do... I want to teach others how to craft on a budget and get their creative juices flowing. Maybe even throw in some advice and tools I've used for my business and other helpful tips/tutorials.
✗15. Styled Shoots - I want to do more styled shoots on my own and maybe connect with other businesses, any takers out there?
✓16. Unplug – I want to be able to unplug from the Eccentric Designs (sometimes), to give myself time to recharge. I have plastered over all of my social networks/websites that my hours of operation are from 9am-3pm (Mon-Fri), but realistically they’re whenever I’m awake. I want to be able to step away from the computer without feeling guilty about answering an e-mail or finishing an order.
✓17. Say YES – I’ve mastered saying “NO” last year! Anytime someone has brought a challenge/idea to me I didn’t feel comfortable with doing … I’ve said, “Nope”, “No”, “Unfortunately, no…” … you get the point? It’s okay to say “no” sometimes, but not all the time. I want to push myself to do different things this year and face all challenges with a smile. I know I can do this!
As I accomplish things on my list(s) I will cross them out and include a date/update … I’m really excited to post this and keep you updated with my journey. Imagine how amazing it would be for me to be able to cross off every item on this list? I won’t beat myself up if I don’t but keep in mind the GOAL is to cross them ALL off and I’m ready!
Check back periodically to help keep me on track : )
My Personal Goals List:
I accomplished 15/31 of my personal goals - 48%
My Business Goals List:
I accomplished 10/17 of my business goals - 58%
Overall Achieving 25/48 (52%) of my goals
I'm excited everything was documented and now I have the opportunity to look back on the ups and downs of 2014 for myself personally and professionally. No, I didn't get the opportunity to check every single item off of my list, but each day God allows me to wake up and breathe, that means I have a second chance to work towards accomplishing the goals I've set for myself.
I've decided for this upcoming year to continue from this list because there are still so many things I want to cross off this list and work on for 2015. Additionally, on top of this list I want to make declarations for myself, my family, and my business and they are:
I declare my family and friends will remain healthy physically, mentally and emotionally and free from disease and/or injury.
Peace of Mind
I declare that every thought that is not of God (fear, anxiety, jealousy, envy, inadequacy, etc.) will be replaced with peace and gratitude.
I declare that relationships in all areas of my life (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) are strengthened and built on the foundation of love, respect, and support of one another.
I declare that 2015 will be a year of "prosperity" and "opportunity" for my business brand.
I declare my family and friends will be kept from all hurt, harm, and danger and for God to encamp his angels around us providing an extra shield of protection. I declare we will live comfortably and without the spirit of fear and take advantage of each day God breathes life into our bodies.
2015 Here I Come...
Updated Comments are in [ Red ] or [ Green ]
It's New Year's Resolution time! To be totally honest… I’ve always thought of NYR’s as being wack and a total waste of time because I never can follow through with them and I hate disappointing/letting myself down with promises I couldn’t keep. I can’t remember the last time I’ve made any NYR’s for myself personally or for my business. This year I wanted to do something different – I want to make a change. I want to hold myself accountable for something. At the end of the year I want to be able to look back and reflect on all of the challenges, opportunities, or accomplishments I made throughout the year. I want to be able to say, “I tried” or “I did it!” I don’t want to drown myself in sorrows or “what if’s” this year. I plan to follow through with my NYR’s (goals) this year … because majority of them I dream about all of the time and sometimes lose sleep. Last year January 2013 I walked away from 9-5p job to enjoy my personal life with my family and to elevate my business to the next level. However, I feel as though I didn’t give a full 100% to either one of those goals and I did not push myself as much as I should have. Honestly speaking, I am afraid to face some of my goals but I feel as though – it’s time – to face those fears and stop taking life so serious and enjoy myself a little more. So here it goes …
My NYR (Personal Goals) List:
✗1. GET MARRIED! This is definitely #1 on my list – April 22nd will be myself and Lamont’s 9th year together and we’ve been engaged for six years. Every time we get close to actually getting married a fear arises inside of me and I switch the date. Everyone that knows me (personally) teases us and doesn’t take me seriously anymore when I give them dates (and who can blame them), heck Lamont doesn’t even believe me anymore. I brought this upon myself – I’m foreal this time ya’ll I’m getting married! No comment!
✓2. Spend More Time w/Family – Individual time … I spend more than enough time with both of my babies (my fiancé and my daughter), but I want to be able to give the both of them more individual one on one time.
✗3. Take A Family Photo – Why don’t I have ANY family photos of all three of us? It’s 2014 there’s no reason for us not to have one : /
✓4. Make an Effort to Pick up my Phone and spend more time with (girl) friends.
✗5. Play Without Hesitation – I’m a neat freak and I cannot stand for things to be out of place, I want to be able to allow my house to get “messy” (not dirty) without screaming/yelling at the top of my lungs at my family about all the work I put into keeping it clean. It takes the fun out of everything when my family is having fun and I’m putting things back up neatly as they play – not cool – I don’t want to be “that girl” anymore. The struggle is real...lol
✗6. Church – Make an effort to go to church more frequently and TIMELY. I started off really good earlier in the year with attending church service regularly and paying my tithes... and fell off miserably toward the middle and end. I'm still a work in progress - "God is not through with me yet..."
✗7. Pay Tithes
✓✗8. Travel - I want to face my fear of airplanes, I think the last time I rode one I was only two years old. So, of course I don’t remember… there are so many places I want to go, but my fear of riding a plane has been stopping me. Also, just for “fun” I want to take my daughter on a train and bus ride she is so fascinated with the both of them : ) I did travel a little more this year (by car), I still did not get the opportunity to fly on a plane - let's just blame this on the "Ebola" scare ッ
✗9. Pay off my Student Loans – I owe 30k+ on student loans, I’m giving MYSELF THE SIDE-EYE with this one… I can’t even put into words how in the heck I could even get close to paying this off this year, but a girl can dream right? Let's just say... I'm still dreaming to get rid of this debt.
✓11. Make Schedules (and stick to them!)
✓12. Cook More and Eat Out Less – At least 2-3 times a week (yikes!)
✗13. Eat & Drink Healthier
✗14. Slow Down on Cursing/Usage of Negative Words - I know I probably won’t stop cold turkey, but I think I can work on better choosing my words : )
✓15. Volunteer More
✗16. Get A Privacy Fence – I’m tired of neighbors running across my yard or peeping out their windows at me and my family – we need our privacy! I want to be able to enjoy my backyard without the crowd.
✗17. Plant Flowers – I want a pretty yard to match my new Fence : )
✓18. Go to a Concert - I would love to see Tyrese perform live, but any concert would suffice! I went to the ultimate concert for any 80's Baby - Keith Sweat, Jagged Edge, and Dru Hill! OMG I will never forget that night... it felt so good reminiscing and singing each song with all of the artists! I'm still looking for you - Tyrese Gibson!!!
✓19. Go to the Beach - My family and I went to Marcos Island Beach, our Hotel was right on the beach - the view was absolutely amazing! The beach was gorgeous as well... we may have to do a repeat of this mini getaway really soon! I also traveled with a close friend and her family as well to the beach this year... I forgot the name of the beach, but it was in St. Pete.
✓20. Go on a REAL Family Vacation
✓21. Romantic Getaway
✓22. Go to a Festival - I went to the Essence Festival in New Orleans, it was absolutely amazing! I could write up an entire blog post about my experience at this Festival. It was more than I expected... I really enjoyed myself and would love to attend the Festival again this upcoming year (still debating...)
✗23. Go to a Fashion Show
✓24. Go to a Kid’s Concert/Show - I went to see "Frozen On Ice" with my daughter ... it was such a magical experience. It's crazy how even as an adult Disney can make you feel dreamy and a believer of magic and happy endings! I enjoyed this time with my little one ... I can still hear her voice - singing and laughing : )
✗25. Watch LESS “Reality” TV - It's so addicting...ugh!
✗26. Get ALL FOUR Wisdom Teeth Pulled – I’ve been walking around with sore/achy gums ALL YEAR … I am sooooooo terrified about going to the Dentist and getting these teeth extracted. These teeth are causing a big ruckus in my mouth right now because they are so large! As they’re growing in they’re pushing all of my other teeth closer and closer together … and blah blah blah! They really need to be pulled out at this point… #JesusTakeTheWheel
✗27. Go Ice Skating
✓28. More Play Dates
✓29. Try EYELASHES and BLUSH – LOL! I know this one is kind of silly, but just blame my curiosity on Instagram.
✗ 30. Conquer a Fear
✓31. Cross ANYTHING off of my “Bucket List” - I had the opportunity to attend the "Oprah Life's You Want Tour" in Miami...OMG is all I can say - I didn't get to "meet" Oprah in person, but seeing her from afar was good enough for me! This experience was so life altering and eye opening ...I really enjoyed sharing this special moment with my fiance. We both have dreams and aspirations and this tour gave us the re-charge we needed to get focused and back to dreaming again and working towards building and living the life we both want!
My NYR (Business Goals) List:
✓1. Complete My Website – I haven’t had an “official” website in over TWO YEARS! I’m not sure why I took down my website in the first place? I want to be able to direct my current/potential clients to an updated fully functional website VS. A blog. #POW I completed this goal 1/14/2014, what a great way to start of the new year! I'll be adding and removing a few things for this upcoming year on the website, but the overall layout will remain the same (just a few tweaks here and there).
✓2. Expand Eccentric Designs Product Base – I want to be MORE than “Just” a Graphic Designer. In addition to my custom stationery/graphic designs I also offer custom made Nail Decals, Handbags, Tutu Kits! The Nail Decals have been a HUGE hit this year!
✗3. Create PRE-MADE Ready To Ship Party Packages or Small DIY Kits – This has always been a dream of mine and I plan to work diligently to get these into my shop! Still a working progress...
✓4. More Instant Downloads – Bare with me on this one … I’m new to editable files, but once I figure it all out I plan to offer them to you and of course this will mean tremendous price drops for you : ) I finally have up close to 100 Instant Downloads available between my two Etsy Shops (Eccentric Designs and Luxe Paper) - HOWEVER - with the new European Union Rules that recently rolled out January 1st, I may disable Instant Downloads for the time being (especially for my International consumers). I hate to do this, but my company is small and it really would be an hassle for a company of my size to try and stay compliant with EU VAT Rules/Regulations.
✗5. Get Eccentric Designs Products Into Local Boutiques – I want to offer some of my products locally in small boutiques, I’m not sure how to go about doing this but I’ll figure it out : / I sort of allowed this idea to slip under the radar this year, at bare minimum I would like to research ways to appeal to local boutiques and eventually sell my items locally.
✓6. Mobile Parties – It seems only natural for me to expand and start providing services in this area (heck I already do – kind of) … I plan to beef up my marketing for this service area – I’m sort of excited about it : )
✓7. Step Into the Wedding World – I’ve actually shared this idea with quite a few people, I would love to get more involved with the wedding world and create more stationery designs that make life easier for the – DIY Bride.
✓8. Patronize Local Businesses – Eat and Shop locally (plain and simple).
✗9. Meet and Greet – I want to meet at least TWO of my “FB” “professional” bestie/friends.
✗10. Attend (More) Social Networking Events – Locally/Long-Distance.
✓11. Update Social Networks Regularly – I have my months where I’m doing great and other’s not so great… I get so bored and distracted with constantly trying to update 6+ networks, but I pinky swear* I will do better this year! I believe I did an awesome job this year with updating my social networks across the board. However, this put my blog on the back-burner... I've connected with a few gal pals to help me along the way with updating my blog. I'm hopeful this upcoming year I'm able to equally distribute time and energy into my social networks and my blog.
✓12. More Coupons and/or Giveaways for Loyal Fans & Followers.
✗13. Vlog – I want to start vlogging on YouTube this year … I’m so nervous and afraid that my little country (southern) voice will run you away from my YouTube channel, but I’m ready to at least give it a “try”. This is one fear I need to conquer... YT frightens me! I'm an avid YT viewer always looking on there for ideas or tips for different things. The thought of having ANYONE watching my channel gives me butterflies! I feel as though I am confident in everything I do and I'm very knowledgeable in several areas I want to share with YT'bers, however when I upload my first video to YT I am vulnerable and have no control of the "Trolls" or people who make negative comments towards me. I take everything people say (or think) about me personal. I suppose that's what makes me ... "me"... I wear my heart on my sleeves : /
With this fear dwelling inside of me, I was so afraid to upload any videos and I came up with so many excuses on why I couldn't... "I don't have the right equipment", "I don't have a nice area in my home to video", "What if my voice sounds annoying", "What if I speak too low"... now looking back, my excuses were so lame LOL. I've seen YT'bers create videos with Web Cams and Phone Cameras from their own bed and I still watched the entire video, because that individual was being real and authentic and sharing something with me that I needed to know/wanted to learn at that specific time. So, I'm going to try and take a stab at this again for the upcoming year!
✗14. Share – Share my God given talent with you! I want to do more tutorials & crafts and share more behind the scene adventures with you. I'm so mad at myself for this, but this is something from the bottom of my heart I really want to do... I want to teach others how to craft on a budget and get their creative juices flowing. Maybe even throw in some advice and tools I've used for my business and other helpful tips/tutorials.
✗15. Styled Shoots - I want to do more styled shoots on my own and maybe connect with other businesses, any takers out there?
✓16. Unplug – I want to be able to unplug from the Eccentric Designs (sometimes), to give myself time to recharge. I have plastered over all of my social networks/websites that my hours of operation are from 9am-3pm (Mon-Fri), but realistically they’re whenever I’m awake. I want to be able to step away from the computer without feeling guilty about answering an e-mail or finishing an order.
✓17. Say YES – I’ve mastered saying “NO” last year! Anytime someone has brought a challenge/idea to me I didn’t feel comfortable with doing … I’ve said, “Nope”, “No”, “Unfortunately, no…” … you get the point? It’s okay to say “no” sometimes, but not all the time. I want to push myself to do different things this year and face all challenges with a smile. I know I can do this!
As I accomplish things on my list(s) I will cross them out and include a date/update … I’m really excited to post this and keep you updated with my journey. Imagine how amazing it would be for me to be able to cross off every item on this list? I won’t beat myself up if I don’t but keep in mind the GOAL is to cross them ALL off and I’m ready!
Check back periodically to help keep me on track : )
My Personal Goals List:
I accomplished 15/31 of my personal goals - 48%
My Business Goals List:
I accomplished 10/17 of my business goals - 58%
Overall Achieving 25/48 (52%) of my goals
I'm excited everything was documented and now I have the opportunity to look back on the ups and downs of 2014 for myself personally and professionally. No, I didn't get the opportunity to check every single item off of my list, but each day God allows me to wake up and breathe, that means I have a second chance to work towards accomplishing the goals I've set for myself.
I've decided for this upcoming year to continue from this list because there are still so many things I want to cross off this list and work on for 2015. Additionally, on top of this list I want to make declarations for myself, my family, and my business and they are:
I declare my family and friends will remain healthy physically, mentally and emotionally and free from disease and/or injury.
Peace of Mind
I declare that every thought that is not of God (fear, anxiety, jealousy, envy, inadequacy, etc.) will be replaced with peace and gratitude.
I declare that relationships in all areas of my life (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) are strengthened and built on the foundation of love, respect, and support of one another.
I declare that 2015 will be a year of "prosperity" and "opportunity" for my business brand.
I declare my family and friends will be kept from all hurt, harm, and danger and for God to encamp his angels around us providing an extra shield of protection. I declare we will live comfortably and without the spirit of fear and take advantage of each day God breathes life into our bodies.
2015 Here I Come...
Labels:2013,2014,Accomplishments,Achievements,Believe,Commitments,Dreams,Eccentric Designs,Goals,Graphic Design,Life,New Year's Resolutions,NYE,Personal,Small Business,Stationery,Year In Review
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I dont know how I got to you. I was actually trying to google someone else. I read your post and really enjoyed it. What a beautiful young lady you are and your family. I was inspired. Happy New Year! Loved your designs as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you Stephanie for dropping by my blog and taking the time to read my post. Thank you for all of your lovely compliments - I hope you have a blessed and prosperous new year! xoxo, Tish
DeleteGood job on listing down your goals this year, Latisha! I believe you can accomplish all of them with flying colors! However, your wisdom teeth concerns me the most. If you really are experiencing unbearable pain, then it would be best to have trusted dentists take a look and deal with the situation before it gets worse. Take care!
ReplyDeleteJavier Portocarrero
Hi Javier,
DeleteThank you for the encouragement! I agree with the wisdom tooth, I'm just so afraid to get them pulled : /
I understand where your fears are coming from, Latisha. However, visiting the dentist would fulfill two of your NYR’s – wisdom teeth removal and conquering a fear. I hope you’ll be able to accomplish them as soon as possible! I think you just have to consult with a very reliable dentist, in order to receive the best dental care and splendid results. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteClinton Zelman @ Doug Smith DDS